Donate to Parrot Society (Singapore)

a person holding an egg tray
Photo by Antoni Shkraba on

Every donation helps make advancements toward rescuing parrots and helping a parrot find a new home. Donate today and make a difference.

How To Donate

You can donate to Parrot Society (Singapore) either via PayNow, or via GiveAsia.

Donate via PayNow

You may donate via PayNow by sending it to our UEN:
UEN: T23SS0027L 
(Check that the account name is Parrot Society Singapore)

Alternatively, you can save the QR code below and upload to your PayNow banking app to make a donation.

IMPORTANT: Please send a screenshot of the completed donation to so we can send you a receipt!

Thank you for helping the parrots in need!

Donate via Give.Asia

Donate monthly or one time donations via GiveAsia.
GiveAsia ensure a safe and trustworthy platform for users.

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